Saturday, March 14, 2009

Play-doh Fun!

The kids had lots of fun with the play-doh this morning. They haven't played with it for a while, it entertained them long enough for me to clean the kitchen! Hooray!
Brandon making an ice cream cone

Lexi's making "dinner"

Brandon drilling on some teeth :)

Lexi's elephant

Giving the poor puppy a shot!


Johnny and Anny said...

The picture of Brandon giving his puppy a shot cracked me up (he must be taken a few lessons from you!). I know we all cheered for you last night when you told us you passed your test, but congratulations once again! I bet you're feeling so much better! It was good to see you guys last night, and happy birthday soon!

Loree said...

play doh fun!!! i'd say so! my kids love playdoh too! :)

Granny Z. said...

I used to hate play doh - you guys mixed the colors, smashed it in the carpet, let it dry out ect. But the stuff you have is so cool. We had a lot of fun with it when you brought it over here and I just didn't let the color mixing bother me. lol