Friday, February 13, 2009

Questionnaire for a 3 year old. . . .

Ok, I NEVER EVER do tags, but this one is actually kind of cute. Instead of a personal interview for me, it's one for Brandon. Here we go. . .

What's your name? um. . . three

What is your favorite color? gween

What is your favorite breakfast? fish

What is your favorite lunch? hot dog

What is your favorite dinner? hot dog

What is your favorite kind of juice? orange duce

What is your favorite snack? animal crackers

What is your favorite movie? Ninja Turtles

What is your favorite book? My new book (Disney Seek and Find)

What is your favorite song? Hulk Song (not sure how that one goes :) )

What food do you NOT like? pinecones

How many people love you? 50 50

What is your favorite toy? Hulk glubs

What is your favorite #? three

What do you like to take to bed with you? Hulk blankie

What do you want to do tomorrow? wrestle

How old is daddy? 25... him 25

How old is mommy? 25

What do you want to do when you grow up? Work with Daddy

What's your favorite game with daddy? wrestle

When you can drive, where will you drive first? to work

Are you going to get married? "no, I a boy, I a weirdo" (I about died when he said this)

What is your favorite animal? elephant

Who do you think is SO cute? Baby Josie

What are your favorite clothes? Hulk shirt

Who do you like to play with? Aiden

What are you thankful for? the food

Why? Make me really strong, like Hulk

What is your favorite TV Show? Hulk and Diego

What is your favorite ice cream? "banilla"

Who is daddy's wife? Uncle Nate (ha ha)

How much does mommy love you? lots and lots

What do we do on Sundays? go to church, wear a tie, play, wrestle

Who do you want to go see? Mickey Mouse

Who does mommy love? Handy Manny

Where do your cousin's live? in Billings

Ahh- the mind of a three year old. What a cute boy!


Granny Z. said...

Hulk and wrestling, who would have guessed!! You should teach that boy his name.

Loree said...

loved this cute survey! Brandon's anwsers are great! i'd love to give blake the survey. i have no idea if he'd know what i was asking. i'll have to give it a try. stay posted :)

amberzito said...

Does Eric know your feelings for Hanny Manny? Way to funny!