Monday, October 5, 2009

Parent Teacher Conference

I went to Lexi's parent teacher conference this morning. Her teacher had nothing but good things to say about her. *Phewf* I'm happy that she's doing so well, I really worried about sending her this year. She's one of the youngest in her class. I worried about her behavior too. She can get pretty ornery and bossy sometimes. . . but her teacher didn't mention any behavior/social issues. She can name 26/26 letters in upper and lower case, knows all their sounds and is beginning to read. She can count to 38, has good fine motor skills, and is exactly where she should be with math. Any way, it's okay to brag sometimes right?


Anonymous said...

I think she takes after her grandma!!! Just a social butterfly and smart at that!!! I love you

April said...

Your first parent teacher conference! Does it make you feel a little OLD? :) I'm glad Lexi is doing so well. She's such a smartie pants. Maybe someday she'll even be a little angel at home like she is at school? . . . naaah! lol

Granny Z. said...

Of course you should brag, she is awesome! I can't believe how grown up she looks. Makes me feel even older.