Friday, May 15, 2009

Spring Time Fun

The weather is FINALLY getting warm and the kids are so happy to be able to play outide again! They both got new bikes, side walk chalk, a huge sand box, and a new swing set, they are in heaven! Brandon's first "big boy" bike.

Eric built them a sand box in the corner of the yard. It's 6 feet wide and 8 feet long. There is lots of room to dig a play. They love it!!

Helping daddy shovel the sand into the box



Johnny and Anny said...

Your yard is turning into a child's dream!! I can't believe Lexi and Brandon all have big kid bikes. I remember Lexi and Seth's 2nd birthday and they got those little trikes from your mom. *sigh* It's probably nice having Eric around to build all that stuff:)

Jennifer Zito said...

Tyler also got a big boy bike the other day. I have been sick so I have not posted a lot of things. I finally started feeling better today. I hope it doesn't come back.
NEWAY...Love the new I am sure those kiddos do as well.
It has been raining a lot lately so I let Tyler ride his through the house. HE hasn't broke anything yet...knock on wood.

I look forward to playing with them and all their new toys.

Jennifer Zito said...

That's great I'm glad it's warming up. I love the sandbox idea. I think I just might copy you.

Jennifer Zito said...

aaaarrgg it's me Kris I hate sharing a computer it's like sharing underwear or toothbrushes

Granny Z. said...

What a fun yard you have!! Almost as great as the funneefarm. Brandon is actually doing a great job of shoveling it looks like. I noticed that the kids are sure getting tan and their hair is lighter - they must spend a lot of time out in their peronal park in the sunshine.