Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Girly Do's

I've been having lots of fun doing Lexi's hair. Some of the styles take a little longer than she would like, but as long as I turn on a movie she does pretty good. Here are a few of her latest do's. . .

Simple braid around a pony tail

Criss Cross French Braids

Twisty Braids- this one takes too long. I wouldn't recommend it!

This one is my favorite. I can do it in about 20 minutes and
I leave it in for a few days.
Having a girl is so much fun!


Loree said...

so cute merilee,
I was never good at doing my girls hair. I just gave them a cute short hair cut and wa-la! i always wanted to do my girl's hair like this, but it is not my talent! RATS plus it doesn;t help having tender headed girls that cry and sream if i even look at their hair.

Unknown said...

I'm so excited that I have a girl!!! Keep posting all of these ideas, I'm going to be coming back to look at them in a few years! Lexi is so cute, she's so lucky to have a fun mommy like you!