Friday, July 25, 2008

We're MOVING!!!

It's all kind of happened suddenly, but it's official! Eric's last day at WyoBen was Thursday. He's so happy! It's almost like a weight has been lifted from him, he was so miserable. Any way, he is now working for Still Water Platinum Mine in Montana. The pay will be a lot better, and Eric will be much happier to get out of Wyoming. The timing isn't the best, but I know it's the best move for our family. I'm right smack in the middle of nursing school. I looked into transferring to MSU-Billings, but a lot of my credits won't transfer. I will be traveling down to NWC until I graduate in December. It won't be much fun, but it's worth it.

Eric is living with my brother Nathan in Billings for now. We are working like crazy, trying to get our house ready to sell. Cleaning out closets, painting, tile, yard work. . . all the fun stuff that comes with moving. We will be officially listing it with the realtor next week. I plan on staying here with the kids until it sells and then we'll find a place to rent for a while in Billings. I dread going back to apartment living, but we will start looking to buy another house as soon as possible. The housing market here is pretty hot, the realtor doesn't seem to think it will take long to sell this house. We were pretty excited to hear that we can list it for more than double what we paid for it. We've only lived here 3 years.

Any way, I should be studying. I have finals next week, and then we have 3 weeks off until the next semester starts. I think I made it through another semester with a 4.0! I'm ready for a break, I'm tired!!


Jenna said...

Congratulations!! How exciting to be moving. It's all so stressful but worth it for sure! Hope it all goes smoothly, you'll have to keep us updated!

Loree said...

that is so AWESOME Merilee. ya for Eric! and i hope the house sells and you get RICH!!! :) the commuting will stink, but do it! it will be worth it in the end! it will be weird if there aren't anymore zito fam in WY, back to your roots in MT. keep us posted :)
love ya