Friday, May 15, 2009


I know it's a little late. . . but I have lots of pictures from Easter. I'm planning on printing my blog in to a book soon and I can't leave out Easter!!

Brandon's HULK egg. . . he's turning into the hulk too!

The easter bunny came!! She even brought Eric and Grandma a basket!

Lexi showing off her new Web-kinz "Cotton Candy"

It was fun to have Eric's mom here for a week. She folded my laundry, cleaned my house, let me sleep in, raked the yard, watched the kids while we worked. . . and the list goes on. Mother in laws don't get much better than her. She's truly is amazing! While she was here we gave her a Grandma's ring. It had the birthstones of her 4 grand kids. She loved it!


Johnny and Anny said...

Eric's mom is pretty sweet! As far as having the best mother-in-law, I think I have the dibbs at having the best:)

The Easter egg shots were awesome, I most especially liked Brandon's metamorphisis into the Hulk!

your new blog background is very chic!

Jennifer Zito said...

It is never too late to post any picture or event! Love the pictures and your new background is stunning!

Granny Z. said...

Brandon's hand is awesome - hope it doesn't get any worse!