Sunday, August 31, 2008
Birthday Party!!
We celebrated Lexi's birthday this weekend! She invited 10 of her little friends and cousins, what a fun party we had! Once every one arrived, they all played with play-doh. I thought about playing games, but I was just too tired to try and organize 10 kids under the age of 4! So play doh it was! My kids have a HUGE tub of fun accessories and they all loved it.
Once they got tired of play-doh Lexi opened her presents. She got WAY too many, but she was sure excited. She got dress up stuff, an easy bake oven w/ extra accessories, a scooter, a car, Dora back pack full of fun games, princess magnet book, clothes, money, Leap Frog Click Start computer, Webkinz. . . and the list goes on. I almost felt a little guilty that she got so many presents. She really doesn't need so much, and I want her to appreciate the things she has! Any way, over all it was a great day and she had lots of fun. She is so excited to tell every one that she is now 4!
A quick side note. . . she was still wearing pull ups at night until her birthday last Thursday. I was getting her dressed for bed and started to put a pull up on her. She said "I don't wear those any more. . . I'm 4!" I told her she had to wear it because I didn't want her to get her bed all wet. She promised she'd get up and go if she had too, I reluctantly agreed and put panties on her. (we've tried several times, and I ended up changing her bed 3 or 4 times during the night). Any way, it's now been 4 days. . . and she hasn't had an accident yet! Yay!!!!
Exactly 4 years ago. . .
I took this picture of Lexi the moment she officially turned four years old (7:50 pm August 28th, 2008) Time has flown by, and it's hard to believe she's grown so fast.
4 year old Lexi
New born Lexi
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The Zoo
Brandon, checking out the chickens
If you look close you can see that the pigeon had laid an egg, Lexi was fascinated!
These horses were HUGE! Lexi was excited to see a "horse with a giraffe neck" funny.
Brandon petting the horses- this kid has no fear!
Paying to feed a goat? Crazy, but the kids loved it! $2 later it was time to move on to the next animal!
Brandon hitching a ride from daddy. We forgot the stroller!
The tiger. . . Brandon kept saying "here kitty kitty, here kitty kitty."
I think he could of climbed this a million times! He was in heaven.
Lexi loved the slide too! She was really sad when it was time to go!
What a fun time!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Birthday Invitations

A Weekend ALONE!!

It's a Jungle out there!

Thursday, August 14, 2008
Scrapbook Project
I plan on making one of these for all of my nursing school class mates and giving it to them at graduation in December. I'll add cute nursing stickers and pictures of us together. What an easy and cheap gift eh?
Any way. . . here are a few pictures of my latest obsession!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Weekend with Daddy

Johnathan and Josie. Isn't she ADORABLE?!
Skinny little Brandon gets cold really fast! Here is his trying to warm up.
On Saturday we went to the "spray grounds" and the kids had a blast. They loved playing in the water. I can't believe I forgot my camera! I was so sad. Eric took a few with his cell phone, but we all know how well those turn out.
After the spray grounds we went to Chuck E. Cheese, I didn't have my camera for that either. My kids love it there. Brandon loves to ride the rides, and Lexi is obsessed with getting as many tickets as she can get. She won't ride any of the rides unless she gets tickets from it. On our way out they both got a bag of cotton candy. What a fun day!
We stayed at my brother Nate's house. The kids love playing there. He's got a HUGE sand box, a trampoline and lots and lots of toys. It's much more fun than our boring old house!

Playing in Uncle Nate's fun sand box
First time on the trampoline
We went to another fun swimming pool on Monday. The kids loved it. It was perfect for little kids. They had a 1 foot pool and a 2 foot pool. The kids finally realized that going under water isn't as terrifying as they thought, and started dunking themselves over and over. I got a few pictures of them under water.
Any way, we were sad to leave Eric, but I was ready to come home and get things done around here. Here are a few more pictures from our fun weekend!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Painting. . .
I didn't realize how much my husband helped around this house. . . until he moved out! I have to mow the lawn, weed wack, water, fill my car with gas. . . you know, all the things husbands are supposed to do!
Today, I had the kids help me prime Brandon's room. It was fun for them, but nerve racking for me. I was worried they were going to get paint all over the carpet. Over all, they did pretty good and it gave them something to do while I painted the other walls. Here are a few pictures of the fun they had. . .
Look at that pony tail! Her hair is getting so long!